Join me on this Journey!

Dallas, TX
Sharing with the you the things I learn along the way...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

This is it!

Ok first of all, apology needed. I have been TERRIBLE about posting on this blog! I think I am "social media-ed out" since I do it all day at work. But, excuses excuses.

Anyway, I have to post today because I AM LEAVING FOR GUATEMALA TOMORROW! I wanted to post a schedule of what we will be doing so if anyone wants to pray specifically for our team, you will know how to pray!

Friday: flying to Guatemala City bright and early...
Saturday: training/briefing day in Zacapa.
Sunday: Ministry La Union, we will be ministering to over 180 families (300 children)
Monday: painting and cleaning at a school called La Vega de Coban with 125 kids
Tuesday: 2 different schools each with 250+ kids
Wednesday: 3 different schools (Rio Chqiuito, Pueblo Nuevo, and El Jute each with over 200 kids)
Thursday: several other school combined with 700 kids total, we will also be traveling to Antigua this day.
Friday: Ministry at an elderly home
Saturday: traveling back to Dallas

So, as you can see we will be working with ALOT of kids! We have a container loaded with Carepacks (school supplies), food, blankets, and other aid but it is being held up by customs in Guatemala City. Please pray that it will be released in time for us to use this aid on our trip! I know that God is in control of this situation and He is going to do some amazing things on this trip with or without this container.

Also, please pray for me this week. I am thinking through a lot of things ministry wise and otherwise and I just want to be led by the Lord this week. I am praying for Him to move in big ways in my heart as well as the hearts of the people in Guatemala. I can't wait to see the other side of the ministry that I have been doing for three months now. I can't wait to be able to actually hand out the aid and share Christ's love with people who don't know Him! YAY!

Stay tuned for updates...

Here is a picture of Guatemala in case you are like me (before GAiN) and don't know where it is!

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