When I was five years old I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart. I felt a tug on my heart to have a personal relationship with God. I thank the Lord for that because I know at the time I had no idea what that meant. From that point on I began to gain a lot of knowledge about God but at the same time I began to believe many lies about God. Somehow I seemed to think He was there for me. My relationship with Him was all about myself. I prayed to Him because I needed something. I felt guilty because I didn’t think I was doing enough. I didn’t realize that being in a personal relationship with God is a life of worship and thanksgiving for what HE has done. I continued this thinking into my freshman year of college. Coming into Texas A&M I thought it was going to be a time that was all about me. I was going to make lots of friends and create the life I wanted for myself, and of course grow in my relationship with God. My first semester of college was full of disappointments because I was relying on myself for happiness. I would say that I was a Christian at this point but I wasn’t living in the power of the Holy Spirit, I wasn’t experiencing the abundant life that God wants for us. The Lord began to reveal Himself to me in many ways that year. I got involved with Campus Crusade for Christ and gained a vision for ministry. I realized that my life wasn’t about me but about Jesus Christ and my purpose is to make Him known. I realized that God had put me in my dorm, my sorority, my classes, and my family to honor and glorify Him. This brought me such Hope and I realized that many of the people around me didn’t have this Hope. It was then that the Lord placed in my heart a desire to share the Gospel with others. It is still a daily struggle to fight the “its all about me” lie but I pray that the Lord will continue to show me His grace and allow me to be used in the lives of others.