Join me on this Journey!

Dallas, TX
Sharing with the you the things I learn along the way...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Little reminders

Hello to all my readers! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have the best intentions of posting weekly, or more but I never seem to sit down and finish a post. But here I am and I wanted to share something cool with you. I might have mentioned this but I am working with Social Media here at GAiN. A large chunk of my day at the office is spent working on our Facebook page trying to connect with new people and coming up with fabulously creative posts. Well, the other day I was transferring photos from our old "group" (so outdated...come on facebook ;) ) to our new and improved "fan page". I was looking through the photos and came upon this one...
 At first I'm thinking...Cute hat...Cute shirt....I have that shirt...That is my shirt...That is me!! This picture was taken at the Dallas Winter Conference in 2008 (my sophomore year of college!) We had a day of outreach and partnered with GAiN to make Carepacks (school supplies) for kids in a neighborhood in Dallas. Then we went around the neighborhood and distributed the packs and shared the "Gospel Bead" bracelets. 

Here is the exciting part...this is the day that I decided to go into ministry. The exact day...crazy! I was going around the neighborhood with Paige Jarvis, Philip Pippin, and Cody Bell (who now works with GAiN too!). I remember so clearly sharing the Gospel bead bracelets with these sweet little girls and seeing their faces light up when I talked about Jesus. But my most vivid memory from this day is a little boy in a navy blue turtle-neck. I remember I walked up to the house and rang the doorbell. An older woman came out and when we explained to her what we were doing she called for her grandson to come meet us. He walked out with the sweetest little toothy smile and food all down the front of his turtle-neck. He was thrilled to receive the new pencils, notebooks, and other school supplies and he listened with rapture while I explained to him that Jesus loved him and died for his sins on the cross. We talked for a little while and said goodbye but as I walked away from that house, I started crying. (And if you know me at all you know this is not a rare occurrence) but
something happened to me in that moment. I knew that I wanted to share the Jesus with people for the rest of my life. And now, two years later here I am at GAiN. I had really forgotten that story until I found this picture. I thank God for the reminder of His goodness and provision in my life. He led me through so many things in these past two years but brought me to this place and seeing that picture reminded me that I am right where I am supposed to be!


Celia said...

YAY!!! I love stuff like that :)

Keeping up with the Johnson's said...

SO COOL!!!! I love that you wanted to share "THE Jesus" :)

Emily Noah said...

haha I know, at first it said "the Gospel" and then I changed it to Jesus oops!