Join me on this Journey!

Dallas, TX
Sharing with the you the things I learn along the way...

Monday, August 23, 2010


I have decided to dedicate this post to a few things that I am thankful for. My thankful heart has been somewhat absent these past few weeks even though the Lord has blessed me tremendously the past few weeks. So, I just want to spend some time reflecting on God's goodness and I thought I would share a few things with you.

My job is absolutely wonderful. It is amazing to be working with people who love Jesus and want to serve Him with their lives. I already feel like I am part of a community and I wasn't expecting that. I am learning so much and I am SO thankful that God placed me at GAiN. And more about that later....

I am so thankful for my boyfriend Jin Kook Lee :) After almost two years of dating long distance he has moved to Texas! God has provided for us in so many ways in our relationship and blessed us with this year to grow and learn together. I am thankful for his heart to serve and his desire to lead and be a warrior for Christ.

God has really blessed me with some sweet friendships this year in Dallas. My very best friend from forever is living at home with her family as well and teaching at Yale Elementary. God has taught us so much over the years and I am so thankful to be able to share this year after college with her. We have been reading through a Bible study together and praying with and for each other. She is such an encouragement to me!

And last but definitely not least, I am so thankful for my family. As I have been home this summer I have been watching my parents and starting to see them as adults, real people, instead of your typical "parents". I respect them so much and I am so blessed to have a Godly relationship right in front of me.

Its funny how God continues to be faithful and good even when we are not. All of these things have absolutely nothing to do with anything I have done. I certainly don't deserve these good things and that's the only reason I can write all this on my blog. All the glory MUST go to God because all good things come from Him! I want to meditate on that truth every day and remember who I am in relation to Him. While I was stuck in my sin, He rescued me and made an heir with Christ. (Romans 5:8) He gave me His righteousness and began a work in my heart to transform me from death to life.

So I say all of this to encourage you, my wonderful supporters and readers, and to remind you of God's beautiful plan for each of our lives, the Gospel.

1 comment:

meredith lockhart said...

Oh I just love this post Emily! So wonderful to remember to be thankful for the things so close to us!! Miss you and the other pool clubbers!!