Join me on this Journey!

Dallas, TX
Sharing with the you the things I learn along the way...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Local opportunities

So far I've been sharing with you about how GAiN works around the world. Well this month we have an opportunity to serve right here in the Dallas area! Operation Care Dallas is hosting a Christmas party on December 18 at the Dallas Convention center for all the homeless people in Dallas, TX. This is a one day event where the homeless and outcasts of society are the guests of honor. GAiN has sent  27 total pallets of aid including new clothing, duffle bags, bottled water, toys, blankets and coats to be distributed on the day of the event. But aid is not the only thing that is needed on this day, hundreds of volunteers are needed to make this happen. Here are just a few of the volunteer opportunities you could be a part of!

  • Children:  Help pack toys, set up Friday before the event, Help man areas such as bounce houses, gifts, art, family pictures, ponies/petting zoo, etc. After the event, help box and clean up.
  • Homeless Gifts: GIFT DRIVES – organize drives around the city, help with the packing of gifts, connect with stores/ organizations for donations of shoes, coats, toys, personal care products,
  • Evangelism/Prayer:  Share with the homeless the only Hope we have who is also the greatest Gift of all – Jesus! PRAY for them individually before and during the event. Connect our homeless and needy friends to churches around who would continue to disciple them to become a productive member of our community. Would love to have more Hispanic members, a great need!! Prayer is where the Power is!
  • Medical / Dental / Vision : Medical Professionals, contribute your time and expertise to help ease the pain of homeless and needy families. 
  • Footwashing and Homeless Shoes: An act of servitude will be demonstrated at the Foot washing area where the homeless will be treated like royalty! Provide new shoes to homeless adults.
  • Entertainment: Provide a worshipful atmosphere where God is magnified by having some selected musicians and  groups that would provide music and entertainment. Will connect with churches and other Christian groups who could share their talents. 
  • Inside Ministries: I did this a couple of years ago, it was really neat!
    • Hair Cut - Hairstylists and Barbers to provide our homeless friends with a new outlook.
    • Makeover - For Makeover Professionals. Provide a make over area to our homeless friends with haircuts, make up and manicures to aid in their physical well being.
    • Family Counseling - provide professional assistance to meet the mental, emotional, psychological and legal needs to our guests. Assessment will be made and direct them to the local and available resources in the community for further counseling.  Contact other Christian Counseling agencies to be a part of this service.
    • Food - Conducts Food drives at their church/org. Collects the Food donated, Help serve and clean up at the Food area.
  • Facility (Decorations, Security/Guest Assistance, Transportation): Help set up and decorate the facilities to be cheerful and welcoming for the homeless. Provide Guest Assistance services to the guests, and supplement the security personnel. Assist with logistics of goods, loading/unloading and set up.

Sounds pretty awesome! 

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