Hello to all my wonderful readers. Are you there? Haha I am wondering how many people actually read this blog. Just curious, but I guess it doesn’t matter. My purpose in writing should be to encourage and bring people towards the Gospel not to make myself feel good when I look at the “stats” page. Haha! So now that support raising is basically over, its time to transition this blog to the fun part. The actual internship! Well, I haven’t started yet but I will officially begin this adventure on Aug. 2 at 1pm. So that is a week and a few days away. I have been home now for about 2 weeks and when I start my job it will have been three weeks. So what have I been doing in the meantime? How have I spent my time at home in this “waiting period” until real life starts. Well first of all there is a problem with considering this time a “waiting period”. I tend to live my life for the next step. “Well once I get to college I will be fufilling my purpose and living for God”, “This summer on Summer Project, I will be living my life for God and seeking His direction in everything I do”. “Once I get all of my support raised I will be able to glorify God with my life” bla bla bla…you get the idea. Well I am reading this devotional called “Her Hands” and today the chapter was called “Wise women live purposefully” She talked about what it means to honor God and live for him NOW. I don’t want to wish my life away and constantly be waiting for the next step. There are things I can do NOW to honor God and it starts with being obedient. It starts with reading God’s word and spending time with Him daily. So, that is what I am trying to do with this next week and really the rest of my life. I’m tired of living in a “waiting period” and I want to go out and live each day with purpose.
So what does that mean practically? Well, here are some things I have been thinking about. I want to take this year of living with my family seriously and really spend time actively loving them. This is a special time that I have to live life with them that I haven’t had for a while and might not have again. So I want to wake up each morning asking God to show me ways to show them that I care about them and encourage them. I also want to actively respect and honor my parents. I have a feeling that this year God is going to teach me a lot about what it means to be in submission to authority and what it means to respect those who are in authority. I am a little bit in rebellion about this but asking the Lord to powerfully change my heart.
Another way that I am trying to live purposefully is to actively seek out community. I know how important it is to surround yourself with people who are constantly pointing you to the Gospel and I also know how much it stinks to be without it. It is so great to be with people that really know you, know your strengths and weaknesses and love you in spite of those things. And who are running toward Jesus and want to take you with them. So, my goal is to love the people around me, i mean really love them, and actively seek to create a community that is honoring to God and bringing us all closer to the cross. I am thankful for some awesome people that are going to be in Dallas this year with me and I want to start praying now for our relationships to be glorifying to the Lord.